22 March, 2010

Now What

The Obamanation has passed, now what should freedom loving Americans do? We have several choices.

1. Submit. Most people will say this law was passed by congress and it is our duty to submit. However, any action taken by the congress that violates the Constitution is invalid(no matter what the courts say). If we submit to this extra-constitutional invasion then we may never again have the ability to resist. Our freedoms to own firearms will be gradually taken away until we can no longer resist.

2. Fight in the courts. While the courts may well strike the law down that is far from certain. What if the SCOTUS says the law is constitutional? I think we should fight this battle, but don't expect to really win it.

3. Fight in the ballot boxes. All of the 219 "representatives" that voted for this bill are up for reelection in the fall, make sure they are all defeated(and any others who voted for any of the bailouts). Of course we should fight this battle, and we may win some battles I am not sure we can win the war this way.

4. Fight in the state legislatures. All 50 states have the authority and obligation to stand up to the federal government's intrusion. Most won't do so, but we can win some battles here. The tide at this level is turning in our favor. There should be serious discussion of secession due to this egregious violation of the constitution. We should hope for all 50 states to secede and form confederacies of states.

5. Fight individually. We must resist this bill in any way possible. We must refuse to submit, refuse to pay, resist with our lives and sacred fortunes is we really want to win the battle. We can easily win, but only if we are really willing to fight. Half hearted fighting will not produce freedom.

Much of the problem with our country is that many people want limited socialism(an oxymoron if there ever was one). Large percentages of people want government to control various entities(big business, car manufacturers, utilities, insurance companies, welfare, etc) and make them provide their goods for free or reduced prices with the features we want. You can not have a little socialism. By its very nature it will grow until it encompasses everything. You must kill socialism or it will take over. As long as we have a socialist mindset we can never win the war, we can only win battles along the way and hope for a mindset change in the future. You hope that people will see that socialism is an abject failure at every level. But covetousness makes us all want something for nothing(even when we know it is impossible). We must destroy the mindset of covetousness(it is one of the 10 Commandments, remember). Whatever government gives must have been taken(by force) from someone first.


Regina said...

Lots of us want to resist individually, but there's not much we can do at this point. These people were all elected. Violence isn't the answer, because that just gives them an excuse to take our guns. There just aren't enough people-yet- that are awake enough to care at all. The answer for the country is to repent and then educate ourselves and others on how to go back to being a country founded on GOD.

Julie Zesch said...

True, without repentance there can not be a change. But we have many more people on our side than ever before. Maybe enough to start down the road.

Julie Zesch said...

By the way, why isn't violence the answer. It is how our country came to be free in the first place. Sometimes there is no better answer than violence. We should exhaust every other plan first.

Regina said...

Our founders were fighting against a tyrant over whom they had no control, not elected leaders. If we really have enough people willing to do the hard things like get out of debt and stop taking handouts then these guys will lose their seats next election. I'm not convinced even tea partiers want to change their lifestyles. If we overthrow this government right now we'll end up with the exact same thing with different people in charge. We've gotten to this place over generations of depending on our own wisdom, so it will take generations turning back to God to fix it. Besides, if God wasn't on the American's side during the Revolution they would have lost. We have to be really, really sure we're doing what God wants and not what WE think is best. I'm not willing to kill or be killed over health care.