08 October, 2012

Conserve What?

There is an election coming up, you might have heard.  We have one man who currently holds the office of president who is not eligible to hold that office even if his story is true(and we have no proof it is).  Running against him we have a former republican governor of the most liberal state in the US pretending to be a regular guy who believes in the constitution and wants to cut government spending.  He says he is a real conservative(at least until January 20).

What exactly does conservative mean?  What do we want to conserve?  Typically most people take it to mean people that want limited consitutional government and nothing more.  But is that really what it means?  If the want to conserve constitutional freedoms in america they are about 230 years too late.  Freedom immediately started being taken away as soon as the US constitional government was established.  It has continued to be taken away step by step ever since.  Sure there have been a few steps toward freedom in those 230 years, but very very few.

Think about what the word conservative means. 
a : of or relating to a philosophy of conservatism
b capitalized : of or constituting a political party professing the principles of conservatism: as
(1) : of or constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support of established institutions (2) : progressive conservative
a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : traditional
b : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate>
c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners 
A conservative by definition wants to preserve or maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions.  I think of it as the person with 1 million freedoms who wants to make them last as long as possible.  If someone comes and tries to steal 3 of them, he gladly negotiates with them and is happy when he only has to give up 1.  Then the next week when they come back demanding  5, he negotiates it down to 2 and willingly gives them up.  This process continues until there are none left.  He conserved them by giving them away slowly, but he still eventually lost them all.

That is not what I am after.  There is very little left that I want to conserve.  We have given up 800,000 of our freedoms and are losing the power to even negotiate how many we give up.  We must move the other direction.

Our founding fathers believed and put into the declaration that we all had GOD given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  If the rights come from GOD, than government cannot take them away, but they do so daily in little pieces.  

We must start taking back the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from us.  If we don't, this great experiment in freedom that we call the US is over.  That is why we cannot vote for Millard Romney and hope for change.  He is not even telling the truth when he says he is a conservative, as if that was a high enough standard.  Sure, at the debate he espoused principles of freedom and frugality.  But look at the record of his life, and the record of the republican presidents before him.  We have NEVER had a president really even attempt to get back any of our lost freedoms.  Even the best of them only slowed down the taking.

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