04 September, 2004


Fred (whoever he is) has some very interesting solutions to the our government indoctrination program(some call it public education). While some of his thought are good, they are not the American freedom solution. The problem is clear: our government funded schools have had huge increases in per student funding, huge decreases in teacher/student ratios, so what has happened? Our schools continue to be abject failures. All moral rules have been removed from them so we can't tell the children it is wrong to steal or cheat. Children graduate without learing how to read, write, or do arithmetic; but they are well versed in sex, drugs, and welfare dependency. We must all realize that ALL schools are for indoctrination. The leaders teach the children how to think the way they do, while hopefully teaching the tasks of reading, writing, and arithmetic. The problem with government schools is not that they are indoctrinating children, but that they are indoctrination children with their beliefs instead of the parents beliefs.

The solution is simple: for two parent families- homeschooling, for single parent families-private schooling. Get government totally out of the education. If you take the dollars spend on education at the local, state, and federal levels and don't steal it from the people then parents can afford these options. Companies would probably willingly donate some of the tax savings to private schools. This would give us schools that would teach what the parents want taught for much less money. Homeschooling puts the responsiblity for education where God put it; on the parents. Check out HSLDA and THSC for ideas on how you can get started.

If you aren't willing to take the responsiblity for your children's education, then keep sending them to government schools, but don't be surprised when they come home thinking government can solve any problem and God doesn't exist. For more info on totally eliminating government schools and how it would work, check out this site.

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