10 September, 2004


I have been busy flying for several days so I haven't posted so here goes.

I talked earlier about all education being indoctrination. Young people come up with their view of the world from the people they grow up around. It is learned from parents, grandparents, siblings, babysitters, teachers, church workers, friends, classmates, etc. If a child is spending time with someone, they are learning from them. So, it follows that if a child is homeschooled they are learning their worldview from their parents. If they are sent to daycare and then government schools then they are still learning some from their parents, but much comes from other people.

This idea of worldview is even more important that the actual education the child receives. There are basically two worldviews. One is that GOD exists, and the second is that HE doesn't exist. Now in the US, most people would say that GOD exists. But, when you look at the way they view the world you can see a disconnect between their values and GOD's way of thinking. They know there is a GOD, but think abortion should be legal, evolution created man, it is okay for two men to get married, and the government should help the poor. So their every day decisions are based on a secular (non GOD) worldview.

If you believe GOD exists and that he told us how to look at the world then you will have concrete beliefs about many decisions of life. But if your worldview is non GOD, then your ideas can vary from day to day and will mostly result in making decision based on what will give you short term pleasure or benefit. There can be almost no rational discussion between people from these two groups because their foundation is so different. They can't even agree on the rules of the debate without a common foundation.

You can see this so clearly in politics today. Al Gore's recent statments about President Bush's religion being as dangerous as extreme Muslim views is a good example. I am not so sure that we can continue to exist as a country with so much diffence in our world views. What made this country free and great was a common foundational worldview. We could argue policies, but that argument began and ended with a common worldview. That is no longer the case. Those of us with a GOD worldview must work to show others GOD through our lives, because if we don't bring them to our worldview, then our nation will continue down the same path and that is somewhere most of us don't want to go. So spread the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, he is the only answer to most of our problems.

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